From learner to leader

Two female colleagues with one handing a certificate to the other.

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut or been unmotivated in your job role? Speaking with Zoe Simpson, Administration Manager, from Acorn Assessors, Zoe tells a story of how she overcame her obstacles in the workplace and has never looked back. Before starting qualifications with Eden, “ I lacked confidence, wasn’t being challenged enough, and lacked concentration.” I’m sure we can all relate to Zoe at some stage of our professional careers, so how did she over this? “It was our IT Specialist that asked our admin team if anyone would be interested in completing a qualification with Eden Training Solutions.”

Zoe took the chance to improve and started her first NVQ. “I did go to 6th form briefly but it wasn’t doing NVQs, so it was the first qualification I had ever completed. Some of the qualifications that I started doing were a little bit challenging. I had never written an assignment before, but after doing a couple it did get easier.” And “I actually enjoyed doing them.” Since completing her first qualification with us 8 years ago, Zoe has completed 6 qualifications with Eden and has been promoted to Administration Manager.

Zoe says, “Eden has benefited my day to day life by gaining more confidence in and outside of the workplace, knowledge from doing the variety of qualifications, like admin, customer service and team leading”. She feels she has progressed and gained the valuable skills that she applies daily in her role, “being able to provide better support to my admin team”. “It was very relaxed tutoring and that made me enjoy the courses a lot more. Kirsty has been my Skills Tutor for every single one that I have done, it’s probably the reason why I have done so many.”

It’s great to hear just how much our courses and talented Skills Tutors impact our leaner’ lives. A huge congratulations to Zoe for her many accomplishments!

Training Solutions
Eden training solutions are a leading provider of early years apprenticeships.